Introducing the HuMetricsHSS Values Sorter
The HuMetricsHSS Values Sorter is a self-assessment tool for everyone who wishes to engage in embedding values in their scholarly practices. The app is intended as a facilitation tool for anyone who wishes to experiment with a values-based approach to scholarly practices. You can use the HuMetricsHSS library anonymously, sign up to create and share your own library, or become a contributor and submit advice to be added to the public collection.
The values sorter is based on the process created by the HuMetricsHSS team, and highlights six common scholarly activities and five values. Explore by choosing one or more activities and values to find questions to ask yourself and additional advice. Information on how to sign up and use the sorter can be found on the HuMetricsHSS website.
Section 6 Summary: What have you learned?
- The HuMetricsHSS framework offers a method for assisting publicly engaged project partners in thinking through ways to apply their values to their work
- The HuMetricsHSS values sorter facilitates experimenting with a values-based approach